Bat Conservation & Rescue QLD Inc. (BCRQ) is a not-for-profit incorporated association and registered charity listed with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
We provide an efficient and humane service for rescuing, raising and rehabilitating injured and orphaned bats and, where possible, return them to the wild.
BCRQ is fully volunteer-run and provides this service free of charge to the community. We rely on donations to continue our important work. BCRQ very much appreciates your support. Thank you.
Donations of $2 and more are tax deductible.
To make a donation by direct deposit (Australia only):
Account Name: Bat Conservation and Rescue Qld Inc
BSB: 638 260
Account number: 14788101
Please email your name and email address to our so your receipt can be sent to you with our thanks.
Bat Conservation & Rescue Qld Inc., is a registered Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and a registered charity in the State of Queensland. Our Charity number is CH2090 and our ABN is 997 897 062 17.
Any donation of $2.00 or over is tax deductible.